Blue Andalusian hens lay medium to large size chalky white eggs. They are friendly, gentle, natural leaders within the flock. These hens have a single comb, are clean legged and originated in Spain. This breed excels in free range environments.
Ameraucanas - also known as an Easter Egger is layer of medium size green or blue eggs. The Americans is a pea comb, clean legged variety that originated in the U.S. Good disposition, non-aggressive & very cold hardy. They are a dual purpose egg and meat bird.
The Barred Rock is a single comb, clean legged variety that originated in the U.S. They are a dual purpose egg and meat bird. They have a friendly disposition and are hold hardy. They can lay 200+ large brown eggs per year!
The Rhode Island Red is America's best known chicken breed. Originally developed in Rhode Island and Massachusetts in the 1880s and 1890s. It is both cold and hot weather tolerant. The hens are friendly and calm. They are good layers of medium size light brown to pink eggs.
The Welsummer is a single comb, clean legged variety that originated in Holland. This bird has a docile temperament, is cold hardy and is known for its good production of a dark brown eggs This is a dual purpose egg and meat bird.
The Delaware was first developed in the United States in the 1940's and is an ideal dual purpose egg and meat bird. It is one of the friendliest and most docile in our flock. they are good producers of brown eggs.
The Black Australorp originated in Australia and is a dual purpose egg and meat bird. They are good cold weather layers when other breeds have stopped laying over the cold winter months.
Golden Cuckoo Marans are a very rare feather pattern of Maran Chickens. These hens lay beautiful dark brown eggs but are not very productive layers over the course of the year. We keep them in our flock for diversity of egg coloring.
White Leghorn chickens are one of the top egg-producing breeds, often laying 300 or more large white eggs per year. These chickens originate from Italy and were brought to the United States in 1835. They are hardy, cold and heat tolerant, non-broody, and are excellent foragers.
Buff Orpington chickens originated in England. They are a large golden brown chicken that is a dual purpose egg and meat bird.
Jersey Giant's are tall, stately birds with shiny black feathers. They are the largest dual purpose egg and meat chicken breed. The breed was developed in the 1880s in New Jersey by breeders who wanted a large roasting bird. While Jersey Giants grow to a large size, they do it slowly, while laying between 180-200 brown eggs annually.